Share Your Story

Every Story Matters To God

 You Have A Story

If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have a story, and your story can inspire others to follow Jesus as well.

There is Power in Your Story

We all share common struggles. When we're open and honest in sharing how God is bringing us through our struggles and being faithful to His promises, He can use our story to encourage, inspire, and ignite the faith of others.

Paul shared his struggle of self-righteousness with fellow believers and then told them how God changed his perspective; his confidence was now in God's ability to forgive instead of his own ability to obey.

Philippians 3:4-14

Paul's story is still leading people to Jesus and encouraging fellow believers to this day!

What Do I Say?

Many people struggle to put their story to words, or to put it in a way that is quick enough to share with someone and is clear and concise about what God has done. So here are three easy steps to share your story.

Three Easy Steps To Share Your Story

1) Pray for God’s direction in writing your story.

2) Focus on three specific parts of your life

A) Your life before Christ

B) The exact moment you met Jesus (When did you pray the salvation prayer?)

C) The difference Jesus has made

3) Keep it short and simple

When telling your story, it is important to be as clear and concise as possible so that people understand it. Start simple. Think: “I was blind, but now I see”. Then, expand from there!

Ready To Share Your Story?

People need to hear your story. They are waiting to hear your story. Be praying that God will open up opportunities for you to share your story, and that you’ll be ready when it’s time.

Share your story with us

We would love to hear your story! Not only does it inspire those who don’t yet believe in Jesus, but it inspires those who are already followers of Jesus as well.

Using your mobile phone or a device with a webcam, you can share you story with us right now in a video! If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a thousand pictures. By recording a short video of your testimony, you could affect live-change!

Or if you prefer, you can write your story. Either way, click the button below to share your story with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We firmly believe that God has a plan for everyone's story. As followers of Christ, we are called to help reach others for Jesus, and sharing your story is one of the most important and effective ways to do this.

  • There's no denying the power that Jesus can have in anyone's life. If you can remember an exact moment where you prayed to accept Christ, then you have a story in your heart of how your life has been changed. Your story doesn't have to be complex. All you have to do is share it!

  • We love hearing stories of how Jesus has changed lives through OAG! We will look for opportunities to use your unique story in our weekend services, on social media or on our website. Don't worry! We won't share your story without your permission. Be sure to include your contact details in the form so we can follow up with you about the use of your story.